Navigating Financial Terrain: Distinctive Hurdles for Individuals Managing ADHD Introduction: Within the intricate world of financial management, individuals grappling with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) encounter challenges that necessitate careful …
A Simple Plan towards Financial Wellness
Achieving financial well-being is a common hurdle, yet it is within reach to reverse the situation. The path to financial prosperity varies for each person, but there are critical steps …
How to curb an Overspending Habit
Navigating overspending or under-earning can be a common challenge, especially when impulses take the lead. Think of overspending like overeating—it’s often a result of short-term thinking without considering the consequences …
Discover Your Financial Values and Find Life More Fulfilling
Discovering and understanding your financial values is a transformative journey that can significantly impact your overall financial well-being. While we often associate values with personal qualities like honesty and kindness, …
7 Signs You’re Headed for Financial Disaster
Navigating the intricate dance of life, often involves sidestepping uncomfortable truths, whether it’s the expanding waistline that elicits denial or the fraying edges of a once-vibrant relationship that we prefer …
Using the “pain of paying” to help you reach your financial goals
The pain of paying refers to the psychological discomfort people experience when they spend money. It is useful to regulate the desire people naturally have to buy things. It can …
How do I discover my money story/narrative?
That sense of familiarity when you handle financial aspects of your life. The feelings of “here we go again” when you get an expected bill. Or the giddy excitement when …
Creating Prosperity
Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation requires a conscious exploration of our inner landscapes. In this profound odyssey, we navigate the depths of our beliefs, emotions, and aspirations, …
How to reduce a Money Anxiety Episode
It’s fair to say that when we are in the eye of the storm experiencing full on financial anxiety we can feel like our world is ending and panic setting …
Your Financial Wellness Blueprint
What is Financial Wellness? Financial wellness is the collective term for having a sense of security around money; being able to meet your needs and about you being in control …